3 things to do to become a better product manager

As a product manager, you're constantly juggling different responsibilities—strategies, customer needs, team dynamics, and more. To stay sharp and continue growing in your role, it’s essential to adopt habits that help you stay organized, focused, and reflective. Here are three simple but powerful things you can start doing today to become a better product manager:


In the fast-paced world of product management, it's easy to get caught up in the day-to-day and overlook the bigger picture. Taking time to reflect on your work helps you stay aligned with your goals and learn from your experiences. Whether it's at the end of a sprint, an important stakeholder discussion, or after a major project milestone, ask yourself:

  • What went well, and why?

  • What challenges did you face, and how can you overcome them in the future?

  • How is the product evolving, and what could be improved? Regular reflection not only helps you track progress but also fosters continuous improvement in your decision-making and leadership skills.

Declutter your surroundings

Clarity is key to effective product management. With so many tasks and priorities to juggle, it's easy for mental and physical clutter to build up. Take time to declutter both:

  • Mental Clutter: Break down overwhelming tasks into manageable steps. Use tools like to-do lists, prioritization frameworks (like the Eisenhower Matrix), or mind maps to organize your thoughts.

  • Physical Clutter: Clear your workspace. A tidy desk or digital workspace leads to a clearer mind. Remove unnecessary files, emails, or items that no longer serve your current objectives. A decluttered environment allows you to focus on what matters most—your team, your product, and your customers.

Write every day

Writing is one of the most underrated yet powerful tools for product managers. Whether it’s for your work or liserue, writing helps you clarify your thinking. By writing daily, you:

  • Sharpen Communication: Clear, concise writing helps you communicate your product vision, strategy, and progress to others.

  • Capture Ideas: Inspiration can strike at any time. Keeping a journal or digital notepad handy ensures you don’t lose track of great ideas or important insights.

  • Structure Your Thoughts: Writing forces you to organize your thoughts logically, helping you anticipate potential questions or challenges and create better product solutions.

By incorporating reflection, decluttering, and daily writing into your routine, you’ll not only become more organized but also more intentional and strategic as a product manager. These habits, though simple, can make a significant difference in your productivity and effectiveness. Start small, stay consistent, and watch your impact grow!